Lillklobb Garlic

Garlic is one of my favorite crops. It has many outstanding qualities that recommend it to a professional grower as well as to hobbyists. Not only is it a great crop to grow, but it holds tremendous value across many culinary traditions. 

My goal is to continue producing garlic with minimal outside inputs: including taking the step to forego irrigation. The garlic I intend to harvest next July will have received zero soil amendments during planting or the growing season, will have minimial weeding, and continues to be grown from self-saved garlic seed from 2020's first selection. This is the ultimate test of the soil health management practices I have implemented in the market gardens at Lillklobb since starting production in 2017.

It is a risk that I wish to take to minimize labor, minimize costs, and to push my system as far as possible. The only "input" next season will be biostimulants applied as foliar applications in late April, mid May, and early-mid June simultaneously with the maximum three weedings I will provide.

Foregoing irrigation is an ambitious change from even 2021's first step down a regenerative garlic production path which saw a very good yield- virtually on par with 2020's harvest- despite planting half of the seed weight and receiving no compost, no fertilizer, less irrigation, and less weeding than 2020.

You can help me continue developing a regenerative garlic production model by preordering a share of 2022's garlic harvest in advance. The revenue allows me to schedule time to care for the garlic, monitor the situation, and to know my customers.

Self-Grown Seed Garlic

Five varieties of garlic are being propagated for a third generation of garlic which has been grown entirely in Finland.

Originally from France and Ukraine, this trial will allow me to determine which of these varieties to breed true garlic seed from in the near future.


Properly stored, garlic can keep over the winter. You can choose to have your garlic braided to hang in your kitchen or pantry as an attractive and edible decoration.

See the Google Form linked below for more details.

Diverse Cover Crop Integration

Recent research points to plant diversity as being a key factor in the behavioral and gene expression of not only plants, but also the soil microorganisms which trade nutrients for liquid sugar from the plants.

By sowing super diverse mixes of cover crops, I can build soil and provide a home to beneficial organisms for almost an entire year while laying the foundation for a great garlic harvest the next season.

Lillklobb Garlic Pricing

[preorder has been closed]

Garlic can be preordered in the following quantities and prices: 

1-5 kg = 19,50 €/kg
6-10 kg = 18,50 €/kg
11+ kg = 17,50 €/kg

Braiding: 6 € / braid (+6 €/ braid larger than 1kg)

Prices include VAT